Sex Cells (23+23)

The passing of traits
from parents to offspring is heredity.
Two “X” chromosomes make
a girl and an “X” and “Y” is gonna be
a boy.

Parents pass their traits
through genes and their alleles to the child
the pairing of these alleles makes
the offspring’s genotype.

Cells have twenty three pairs of chromosomes,
mostly made of DNA.
Sex cells are the only exception
‘cos these have half as many -
an egg needs a sperm’s chromosomes to be complete.

Dominant traits
are displayed in the next generation.
Recessive traits,
may show up with the right combination.

Parents pass their traits
through genes and their alleles to the child
an organism’s outward display
of its genes is called its phenotype.

Cells have twenty three pairs of chromosomes,
mostly made of DNA.
Sex cells are the only exception
‘cos these have half as many -
a sperm needs an egg’s chromosomes to be complete
yes, to conceive, they need twenty three plus twenty three.

Two alleles for each gene
and genes are found in chromosomes
most cells have 46 of these
but sex cells have half as many!

Cells have twenty three pairs of chromosomes,
mostly made of DNA.
Sex cells are the only exception
‘cos these have half as many -
an egg needs a sperm’s chromosomes to be complete
yeah, to conceive, they need twenty three plus twenty three
yes, a sperm needs an egg’s chromosomes to be complete.

Lyrics and music by Bram Barker